NDIS Disability Services and Personal Care

Vitali Care

Care You Can


NDIS Support Services

We provide high quality personal care and nursing services, We support our NDIS participants to improve their quality of life.

Our experienced team of compassionate nurses care for you and your needs, we assist participants with hygiene, daily activities of living, engage in community and social activities and handle the day to day living needs tailored to your needs.



Set aside up to three hours to talk to our experienced team about your needs and wants. We’ll learn all about you, your existing supports, interests and goals and go through your needs to discuss options. Our experienced support workers take time to get to know and understand you.



If it seems like we’re a fit for you, we’ll draw up a service agreement that lays out what we will deliver to help you get to where you want to be. If we’re not a fit, we’ll guide you to the best provider for your circumstances. We believe in providing unique level of care for each client.



Using our understanding of who you are as a person and what you need from us, we’ll match you with a support worker you’ll really connect with. We always do our best to get you the right support worker to assist your personal needs and support you through your NDIS journey.

Understanding The NDIS

What are reasonable and necessary supports?

What is permanent and significant?

How To – Starting your first NDIS Plan

Your NDIS questions answered – About the NDIS

How To – What can you spend your funding on?

How To – Choosing and Managing Supports

How To – Top 5 tips for transitioning to the NDIS

How To – Assistive Technology in your Plan

Can I Access The NDIS?

The NDIS and You

NDIS Support FAQ's

The NDIS can be transformative, but navigating the process can also be pretty challenging. That why we’ve answered a few of your frequently asked questions.

If you qualify for NDIS, you will receive annual grants for the purchase of services, assistance, and equipment that you believe is based on your needs from selected service providers, such as: B. Range. In addition, you can choose whether to manage the funds yourself. In this case, you will personally file a complaint with NDIS or NDIA (the institution established to manage NDIS) and entrust the management of your funds. As individual circumstances, conditions or needs change, NDIS participants can request that their financial plans be adjusted accordingly.

NDIS is the National Disability Insurance Scheme. It is a new national support system for people with disabilities, their families and caregivers. Focused on providing real choice and flexibility through tailor-made grants. Disabled people participate in this project, known as "Participants". 

NDIA is the National Disability Insurance Agency. It is a government agency, implementing and managing NDIS and ensuring that disabled people receive the support they need. 

The NDIA will be the sole responsible agency for the NDIS once the rollout has been completed nationwide in 2019. The NDIA is a contact to discuss your needs and to clarify any questions that you may have. Of course, VITALICARE is happy to assist with any questions and will be able to explain, in simple terms, what is the best way to successfully transition to the NDIS. ​

Contact Details: 

NDIS and NDIA: Website: www.ndis.gov.au Phone: 1800 800 110 

Department of Communities Website: www.communities.qld.gov.au Phone: 13 QGOV (13 74 68)

To be eligible to receive NDIS funding, you must meet certain requirements. These requirements include:

  • You must be under 65 years of age to access the Scheme.
  • You must live in Australia and be an Australian citizen, hold a Permanent Visa or hold a Protected Special Category Visa.

To meet the disability requirements you will need to prove that you:

  • Have a permanent disability.
  • Your disability substantially affects your ability to participate effectively in activities without assistance from others or
  • technology.
  • You are likely to require lifelong support under the NDIS.

You can find the NDIS eligibility checklist here. https://www.ndis.gov.au/applying-access-ndis/am-i-eligible You can also contact the NDIA for more information on 1800 800 110.

If you think a NDIA decision is wrong, you can request an internal review of a decision. Any person directly affected by an NDIA decision can request an internal review.


Anyone who thinks they might be eligible for the NDIS, can download an Access Request Form (ARF), and a Supporting Evidence Form (SEF), work with their GP, allied health, and specialist medical professionals to prepare and provide the information required. 

Link for ARF - https://www.ndis.gov.au/how-apply-ndis/what-access-request-form

You can:

  • Phone 1800 800 110 and make a verbal access request, or
  • Download and complete the ARF on your computer and email it to the NDIA with supporting information, or
  • Download the ARF on your computer, print it out, and mail it to the NDIA with supporting information, or
  • Email [email protected] and ask for an ARF to be mailed, or

Contact your local NDIA office and ask for an ARF to be mailed to you.

It's time to prepare for your planning meeting with the NDIS - this is called pre-planning.

  • Prepare any information you have around assessments and diagnosis
  • List the supports you currently access and have a think about what you need going forward
  • Work out what you would like to achieve in life - these are called your goals. They can be as short-term as getting out to meet friends for a coffee, or big things like finding a job or moving out of home.
  • Decide if you'd like a friend, family member or an advocate to attend the meeting with you.


You'll then meet with an NDIA planner or Local Area Coordinator who will assess your needs, develop a budget and offer advice on the services you may access within your plan. After that, it's up to you to choose which provider you want to work with.

While the NDIS will change your plan in line with your evolving needs, plans tend to be made for one or two years.

NDIS plans come in all shapes and sizes and are tailored to your specific circumstances, so you won't know the answer to that question until you've been through the process. They'll look at your individual goals - and the reasonable and necessary supports you'll need to achieve them - your disability and functional impairment, personal circumstances, informal supports, age and stage of life before coming up with a figure.

The NDIS is not means tested, so it will not have any impact on your Disability Support Pension (DSP).

The NDIS doesn't fund everyday expenses such as utilities, food, rent and activities. However, it may fund the supports you need to, for example, live independently, prepare meals and participate in your chosen social activities.

A good place to start is the NDIS glossary - also available in Auslan and Easy Read.

NDIS Planning Tools

  • Any letters from the NDIA
  • Your bank account details (if you are considering self-managing all or a portion of your NDIS funding)
  • Your myGov login and password details (if you need help with this, talk to your VITALICARE planner).


You can also bring along a family member, friend, advocate or anyone else to your meeting. If you want help to arrange an advocate to attend with you, contact your VITALICARE planner.

  • Fill out booklet two - Planning including your usual week, things that are working well and if there is anything you would like to change.
  • Write down any questions you’d like to ask.
  • Decide whom you would like to come to your planning meeting with you.
  • Gather any other information or reports you think would be helpful for the NDIS to understand the impact of your disability and your personal circumstances.


If you’ve completed all of the above, you're now ready for your planning meeting.

Your VITALICARE planner will contact you to arrange a time that suits you to have your planning meeting.

Call Our Friendly Team For Support

At Vitali Care our staff are the beating heart of our organisation. Good staff are crucial to helping our clients live a great and rewarding life. That’s why we support our clients to learn and grow, develop their skills and reach their full potential. We would love to be able to make a big difference and empower you to live life to the fullest. Let us know how we can help you.